Not everyone may have an AC in their homes, and if they do, it could be costly to turn it on for whole days to keep your house cool during summer.
The summer months can get scorching depending on where you are and that heat will definitely come into your homes and cause possible problems. The last thing you want is your family getting overheated or dehydrated by the hot weather.
Thankfully, no matter if you don’t have an AC, or just don’t want to use it, there can be tips and preventative measures that can be done to make sure your house stays cool. A lot of these tips are easy changes that can be made to your day-to-day life. Staying cool isn’t as hard as it may seem.
1.Wait to Use Large Appliances
You may not realize it, but using your oven and your washer and drying may be causing more heat to flow through your home when you use them. By using these appliances you could be wafting unwanted hot air back into your house. If you want until the evening when the temperature cools down, you won’t have the fear of bringing in hot air.
2. Doors and Fans
If you are trying to keep your house cool, close unnecessary doors. Close the basement door or laundry room door if you are not using it. Any cold air that you are trying to flow through your house will be spending time in rooms it is not necessary to be in. Prioritize the rooms where your family is sitting at that moment. If you also start closing window curtains or buying insulated window film it could help keep the hot air out as well.
You can also take care of unwanted hot hair by turning on your bathroom and or kitchen fan. These fans will help suck up the hot air and push it out of the house, creating better ventilation.
3. Preventive Measures
There are many things you can do to prepare for the warm weather as well if you aren’t keen on using an AC. A simple switch could be to get rid of your iridescent light bulbs. The most energy they put out is in the form of heat and by switching them you could also be saving on your electric bill.
When getting into the realm of homeownership, there are a lot of things you will be looking for when looking for your perfect home. One of the things you should look for is making sure the walls and the attic are insulated. Having these installed can help keep the cold air in and the hot air out. Just like keeping the warm air in during the winter, it can keep the cold air in during the summer.
Your ceiling fan can also make a world of a difference. Depending on which way it is spinning could depend on where that air is going. Setting your fan to spin counter-clockwise to help push air downwards and raising the speed can be helpful as well.
Overall, there are a lot of ways to keep your house cooler that doesn’t include buying an AC. It just means prioritizing certain things in your home and getting the best out of the cool air in there.