Got the Holiday Blues Looking for an Affordable Ho...
Looking for an affordable home in a great neighborhood? Learn more about our largest and newest affordable home development, Cornerstone Creek! Habitat homeowners only pay cost and...
Habitat’s Field of Dream 2024 VAD Photo Boot...
Habitat's 2024 VAD Photobooth Photos
Habitat's 2024 VAD Photobooth Photos
Field of Dream Volunteer Appreciation Dinner Photo...
Kimray Inc.’s Board of Directors Chair/CEO Thomas Hill III expertly acted as an emcee during Habitat’s VAD on Oct. 22, 2024, at the National Cowboy Hall of Fame & Western H...
David Zeeck Named New Central Oklahoma Habitat Fam...
OKLAHOMA CITY – Oklahoma City native David Zeeck is Central Oklahoma Habitat for Humanity’s new Family Services administrator. He now manages the affiliate’s procedures for s...
On the Town: Habitat celebrates volunteers with â€...
Columnist for The Journal Record, Lillie Beth Sanger Brinkman, wrote this story on Central Oklahoma Habitat for Humanity's "If They Build It ...Volunteer Appreciation Dinner:...
U.S. Navy Veteran Family to Celebrate New Habitat ...
CUTLINE: (L-R) U.S. Navy Veteran Nathan F. and his wife, Laura F., enjoy visiting a pumpkin patch with their son, Alex H., during a recent outing. The family will celebrate their h...
OKC police volunteer to build home for Oklahoma Ha...
KOCO-TV Channel 5 Coverage:
Dozens of Oklahoma City officers and employees spent their Friday working to build a home that will house a family in need of affordable housing.
Piedmont-Surrey Gazette: Oklahoma City police grou...
CUTLINE: Members of the Oklahoma City Police Department lift a wall frame as they work on a home build for Central Oklahoma Habitat for Humanity on Friday, Oct. 11, 2024, at Habi...
Faith & Blue Brings OKCPS Officers and Staff ...
CUTLINE 2: Last October, Oklahoma City Police Department officers and staff helped a local coach and teacher frame his future Habitat home in southwest Oklahoma City. (Photo by Kev...
Habitat and Volunteers Recognized for Helping Loca...
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OKLAHOMA CITY – Central Oklahoma Habitat for Humanity New Homeowner Jeffer Pinzon got choked up when thanking Habitat’s staff and donors, community membe...
Hobby Lobby Employee to Celebrate Cornerstone Cree...
Central Oklahoma Habitat for Humanity is celebrating its second Cornerstone Creek home dedication with Jeffer Pinzon at 2 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 3, 2024, 14645 Bedrock Lane, located a...
Local Media Focus on Cornerstone Creek’s Fir...
Central Oklahoma Habitat for Humanity thanks local media, including KOCO-Channel 5, KFOR Channel 4 and KWTV Channel 9! Thanks also go to The Yukon Progress, The Journal Record,...