Gardening can be an amazing hobby to take up if you have some spare room in your home and want to create a lively area.
It can also be great to help yourself learn about the world around you and how to better take care of yourself and the Earth. Gardening can range from flowers, mushrooms, plants, and even fruits and vegetables. No matter what you choose to grow, they will all come with their own rules.
Since there can be so many rules about all the different plant life you can bring into your home, there are always some universal tips and tricks to help you out in general. If you are choosing to have plants indoors or on a window sill, it could change the way you are going to treat those plants.
Follow the Sun
This one could be vital depending on the plants you have. Some may require direct sunlight while others need shade. Whatever it may be, it is important to take into consideration the sunlight in the room you are going to be putting them in. If you see that there is one corner of your room that gets direct sunlight more through the day than the rest, that could be the perfect spot for your plants that require a lot of suns. A lot of times the plants will come with a biography in the soil to tell you what it needs, but then again, the internet can also help.
Some will need less light, however. This can be done by putting them in shaded areas, or areas that only get a few hours of sun each day. This can also be done by using plant shades that can be put over your plants if you know your area gets too much sun, to begin with.
Outside Variants
If you are planning to set up a garden outside, that is where things can get a little trickier. One of the best ways to plant accordingly is to know your zone. To do this, there are websites out there where you can put in your location to get a good idea of your “hardiness”. This only means that it will show you what plants are smart to plant in your area and what is not. You don’t want to grow vegetables if your area gets far too much sun to care for them properly.
You also want to make sure you are feeding it in a timely manner as well. This means that you are giving it enough soil throughout the months it is growing so it has enough nutrients. Some plants and vegetables need more attention than others. Homeownership can be an amazing benefit if you are wanting to start your own garden. You’ll have all your own space, responsibility, and rules. It might also allow you to have more yard to explore.
If you are planning to plant indoors or outdoors, pots are something you are going to be using consistently. Of course, they can be available at any hardware store, but there are many things you can use instead. If you have old milk cartons or jugs, yogurt containers, mugs, even an old kitchen sink, you can use all of these as a beautiful and unique plant pot.
Gardening may seem too complex and a large responsibility, but if you start out small and continue to learn, it could grow into much more than you could ever imagine.