Repairing 756 Local Homes And Counting
Critical Home Repair (CHR) helps low-income homeowners who struggle to maintain their homes due to limitations related to income, age, disability, or other circumstances. Through CHR, homeowners are able to work side-by-side with Central Oklahoma Habitat to restore their home with pride and dignity. The program brings together volunteers who put their values to work helping homeowners in need. The end result is homes that are safe and maintained, homeowners who are able to continue to occupy their homes, and renewed neighborhoods.
Critical Home Repair (CHR) helps low-income homeowners who struggle to maintain their homes due to limitations related to income, age, disability, or other circumstances. Through CHR, homeowners are able to work side-by-side with Central Oklahoma Habitat to restore their home with pride and dignity. The program brings together volunteers who put their values to work helping homeowners in need. The end result is homes that are safe and maintained, homeowners who are able to continue to occupy their homes, and renewed neighborhoods.
How To Get Involved.
Homes are selected for Critical Home Repair are based on greatest need, availability of resources, and on the ability of volunteers to help complete the project.