06, January 2023

OKCPD Holds Third Faith & Blue Build


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For a third consecutive year, the Oklahoma City Police Department (OKCPD) chose COHFH as one of its community service projects during National Faith & Blue Weekend, which took place October 7 – 10.

Over 100 officers of every rank came together to work on a house framing. The group prepares breakfast and lunch and has the best time working on the job site.

The annual National Faith & Blue Weekend aims to create safer and stronger communities through community officer engagement activities with faith-based organizations.

Lt. Gamille Hardin initiated the Faith and Blue program with OKCPD to show police officers in a different light. Lt. Hardin told News 9, “The community would know that we’re just like them. We’re just regular ordinary people doing our job, just like them.”

In addition to framing a house with us, the OKCPD collected sports items for Cleats for Kids, hosted a coat drive for homeless children on behalf of Positive Tomorrows School, passed out candy at a Better Together event at Brookwood Baptist Church, and packed backpacks for children in need at the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma.

Thank you, OKCPD, for participating in another Faith & Blue build! We are honored to help bridge the gap between officers and our community. Keep up the great work!

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