Steffen F., 24, poses with Central Oklahoma Habitat for Humanity (COHFH)Chair/CEO Ann Felton Gilliland (left) and COHFH Board Member Kevyn Colburn during a recent home dedication at Steffan's new home in Spencer, Oklahoma.

Steffan F.

Homeowner #1083 – Steffan F. may just be 24, but as a fuel technician working with performance aircraft at Tinker Air Force Base, he’s a determined young man going places. The young father of a daughter, age 2, celebrated his home dedication on August 24, 2023, at his new Habitat home in Spencer, Oklahoma.

“I went ahead and applied (to the New Home Construction program) and it was a smooth process,” Steffen F. said. “It’s a win-win. I didn’t think I’d have one (a home) so early, but Habitat is a great way to start because they make everything simple and they’re with you every step of the way.”