University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown
“Our group is volunteering with you to show God’s love and our dedication and commitment to help build homes in Oklahoma City. We are excited to come and visit a new place and be apart of a southern culture much different than our life at home.
We are eager to see how your organization is run and operated. I personally love the Habitat organization! Every person is advocating and working toward the same mission: ending poverty housing. It is so neat so see, even though every Habitat is working toward the same goal, they all have their own culture and feel. And I believe I am speaking on behalf of our entire group when I say that. I was looking on your website and I saw your homes are made with brick–much needed when tornado season comes! But at home here, we using siding and last year in Amarillo we used wood. I just think that is so neat! Our group is more than happy to spend our Spring Break working with your organization!” – Holly Chappie