It is quickly getting cooler as spring leaves and autumn takes over. This can be a beautiful time of the year, but if you have a garden that you have created over the summer, you will want to take the proper precautions.
As it gets colder out at nighttime and early mornings, your garden could be under attack from that upcoming winter breeze. Until the winter, you can do some actions to fight against your garden getting hurt.
Depending on how large your garden is, this could be a large task to take on. However, if it is something you want to see grow strong over the next couple of months and to be safe through the winter months, it can be important to take steps to preserve your nature. The wintertime shouldn’t kill your garden, once that snow melts, you should see your flowers starting to grow back. To make sure that happens, there are some steps to take.
When You Should Pay Attention
A lot of the time if we are trying to figure out if it is too hot or too cold, we use our own bodies to test the waters. We put our own barefoot on the pavement to see if it is too hot for our dogs, and the same goes for plants. If you can see your breath at night or early morning, or if you have to wear a light coat, your plants are probably cold too.
Every plant has its own level of cold they can handle, and some can take it better than others. It can be important to look up the plant’s hardiness level if you are concerned. Once you find out, taking action sooner than later can help the plant survive. There can be a lot of variables to keep track of once you choose homeownership, but in the end, it can help the state of your home and keep that great garden look coming each year.
One of the ways you can help insulate your plants when it starts to get colder is to cover them. On the plants that are getting affected, you can place a cloth or sheet. This can help keep the warmth collected by the plants and not leave them. For extra measure, you can add a plastic sheet on top of the cloth to really ensure the warmth doesn’t leave. However, once morning comes remember to take off these two layers immediately as it could harm them if it’s on for too long.
If it is getting too cold out or you feel you need more protection, it may be time to take extra measures. This will protect the roots of the plant so it can survive through the cold months. Placing heavy amounts of mulch by the roots, or even hay can help keep the roots insulated.
If you want to go the extra mile, you can also add jugs of warm water into the mulch, and this can add even more warmth to roots to help keep them protected.
If you have a garden that you are proud of and want to see regrow through the upcoming years, taking the time to protect it can be key to its health.